Our identity

Wir bei der dfv Mediengruppe verstehen uns alle als Qualitätsmacherinnen und Qualitätsmacher.
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  3. Our identity

We are a colourful bunch: A wide variety of people with a wide variety of hobbies and backgrounds work at a wide variety of locations. What unites us is the goal of making people more successful in their jobs with our media, products, and services. Regardless of position, everyone does their best to achieve this common goal. We all focus on quality. That is why we call ourselves "Qualitätsmacher:innen". 

The pace of development in the field of...

...artificial intelligence is high. You have to be able to keep up with it. At dfv media group, we have the freedom we need to understand innovative technologies, experiment with them and ultimately integrate them into our everyday lives in a way that adds value - for the benefit of our readers and our colleagues.

Mirko Lenhard & Georg Poltorak

Director AI Business & Editorial Director AI and Data

"Qualitätsmacher:innen des Jahres"

With the in-house award “Qualitätsmacher:innen des Jahres”, we honour employees who have rendered outstanding services that exceed the quality standards of our company. The award is attractively endowed with a total of 10,000 euros, 2,500 euros for each of the four categories. 

Miriam Hebben ist Ressortleiterin des Journal der Lebensmittel Zeitung und „Qualitätsmacherin des Jahres 2022".© Mario Drescher

I enjoy working in an environment ...

... where I can research stories in depth, check facts at my leisure, and question sources for credibility. Quality journalism needs economic and journalistic independence. I am committed to my medium and our readers, to no one else.

Miriam Hebben

Deputy member of the editorial board of Lebensmittel Zeitung, head of the trade department of LZ and "Qualitätsmacherin des Jahres 2022"

Ein Graffiti-Kunstwerk mit dem Schriftzug "Qualitätsmacher:innen" ziert unsere Kantine.© dfv Mediengruppe

Wall of Fame

Graffiti art meets "Qualitätsmacher:innen des Jahres": In our canteen hangs this picture with the signatures of all winners 2022. The graffiti itself was designed by Fuego Fatal.