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As one of Europe's biggest business media companies, we play an active role in social as well as socio-political life. We want to live up to this responsibility and are particularly committed to promoting young talent. We are also involved in a number of associations, where we champion the interests of media professionals.


Youth and talent development has a long tradition at our company and is particularly important to us. Through our three foundations, we promote young talent from a variety of industries; in 2023, the foundations had assets of more than 5.27 million euros and distributed funding totalling 190.000 euros.

Würdigung der Preisträgerinnen und Preisträgern der Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung auf dem TW Forum 2024© Katharina Dubno Photography

Named after the company’s founder Wilhelm Lorch, who passed away in 1966, the foundation “Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung” has been funding vocational programmes and continued education for young talents from all areas of the textile industry since 1988. Financial support is also provided to institutions, schools and organisations that are especially committed to promoting training for the next generation.


Die Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger der Stiftung Goldener Zuckerhut 2024© Hush & Hype

The foundation “Stiftung Goldener Zuckerhut” supports continued training for qualified young talents in all areas of the food industry, retail, food and non-food. The foundation was established in 1990 as a joint initiative by the trade and industry sectors together with the periodical “Lebensmittel Zeitung”.


Die Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger der HORIZONT-Stiftung 2024© Mara Monetti

The aim of the foundation “HORIZONT-Stiftung” is to promote education and further training of young talent from the communication, media and advertising industries in the area of marketing, media, creation and new media. The foundation was established at the end of 2006 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the dfv media group.


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Association Commitments

More is possible together

The dfv media group sees itself as a modern business media company that is consistently developing. Sustainability, diversity, and the further development of digital business models are topics on which we want to focus. This also applies to our association work, as well. We want to pool our strengths. This is also reflected in the association's work with dfv's commitment at the federal and state level:


The dfv media group is involved as a business media company in the association Medienverband der freien Presse e.V. (MVFP). Thomas Berner, dfv's Managing Director of Finance and Controlling, works with the other member publishers in the national association to ensure the best possible distribution and delivery channels. In the Landesverband Südwest (Southwest Regional Association), dfv Managing Director Markus Gotta has represented the interests of magazine publishers in southwest Germany for years as Deputy Chairman.

We support the Medienverband ...

... der freien Presse on important issues such as VAT reduction, paper and production issues, delivery and postage rates, as well as fundamental media policy issues such as plurality of opinion, press subsidies, press and copyright laws, and merger control. With our specialist media journals HORIZONT, Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis (Competition in Law and Practice), Kommunikation & Recht (Communication & Law), or the Datenschutz-Berater (Data Protection Advisor), we can lend voice and weight to the association's topics in breadth and depth.

Markus Gotta

Managing Director

MVFP - Medienverband der freien Presse, Landesverband Südwest

MVFP Landesverband Südwest