Discover our business areas
Editorial Offices
Relevant, reliable information is the most important raw material of the knowledge-based society. And that is exactly what our journalists are concerned with every day: what news, what background information, what facts and classifications do our readers, listeners, and viewers need in order to be able to develop their business successfully? And how can we best make this information available? From the printed magazine to social media and digital livestreams, we are at home on all channels.
Did you know that we have the largest combined business editorial team in Germany?
The dfv media group stands for quality journalism for 17 business sectors. Just as important for us as the diversity of our publications is our common foundation: our Principles of Publication. Because seriousness, credibility, and fairness form the basis of the trust that connects us with readers, advertisers, and business partners.
Social media is an essential communication channel.
...On LinkedIn & Co. we can reach even more people and enter into a direct exchange with our community. The close collaboration within the editorial team enables me to quickly share news and topics with our followers. It is also the editors who, as corporate influencers, make their expertise and the company visible. This strengthens the brand and deepens the bond with our readers.
Laura Uebel
Social Media Editor, Lebensmittel Zeitung
Events, whether as an in-person event or in a digital format, are an essential part of the dfv portfolio. Trade fairs, congresses, seminars – we are convinced that personal exchange is indispensable, especially in a professional environment. Finding the right location, acquiring exciting speakers, marketing the event, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly on site, and much more. Many hands help to make our events a success.
Did you know that we are the largest organiser of business events in the German-speaking world?
How can our customers best present their products, their offers, or their companies in our media? Together with our customers, our sales units will find the right answers to these questions. They will set up customised campaigns, advise on the various advertising formats, and develop integrated communication solutions.
Our asset as a business media company: we offer credible advertising environments, we know our target groups very well, and have virtually no wastage.
Our customers come from all over the world! Our sales units are correspondingly international.
I understand my role as a consultant as follows: ...
... Together with the client, I want to find the optimal measures to increase their visibility among the desired target groups. There is no standard in our team, we see every case as a new challenge.
Witold Smolinski
Senior Project Manager, Technical Media
The heart of our marketing colleagues beats for their respective media brands. They give free rein to their creativity when it comes to supporting the Sales Departments with arguments, presentations, and campaigns, planning, and implementing promotional tours or trade fair appearances. Analysis is the key, because precise reporting is a part of marketing. Media research is also important: the more data and facts are known about the media brand and its target group, the better offers can be tailored to customers.
Did you know that the dfv media group has over 130 social media channels? Linkedin, Instagram, Tiktok, and Co. are also playing an increasingly important role in our marketing!
Project Management
Project managers here can mainly be found in "Digital Media Development" and in IT. They coordinate projects related to the digital development of our media company. Project managers identify interfaces with other departments and, of course, monitor budgets. In short, they keep the strings in their hands, because many areas are usually involved in a project, from editorial to sales and marketing.
Do you know Scrum, Design Thinking, Kanban or OKR? These are all agile methods that we use to get innovations on the road as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The IT Department of the dfv media group sees itself as a motor for and business partner in the process of digital transformation. The colleagues in IT Systems/Network equip our users with suitable hardware and software and provide the infrastructure so that they can work in a mobile and hybrid manner. User Support supports the creative exchange of knowledge of our colleagues with helpful collaboration tools and important know-how. Enterprise Applications & Analytics, Project Management, and Development implement digital processes and products for internal and external users. Together and at eye level with market managers, IT creates the conditions for scaled growth in traditional, digital, and data-based business models.
IT plays an important role in the process of digitising our core publishing business.
Subscription and CRM
From lead acquisition to customer service, this is where we look after the important subscription business, which is gradually transforming from print subscriptions to digital subscriptions and multi-user licences as our digital transformation continues on. Key sales channels include the paywall, e-mailings, and other online advertising channels. With Salesforce and Piano, top technologies are helping us to lead our business into the future. The "Subscription and CRM" colleagues are also responsible for the recruitment of participants for many events. In addition, they support other areas on CRM topics, but also on address quality and enrichment. Due to the high importance of the paywall for subscription acquisition, direct exchange with the editorial team is now standard. The team works cross-medially and cross-objectively on the basis of tracking and benchmarks. Fun and creativity are not neglected. The goal: to arouse customers' curiosity and convince them of our offer.
Overall, business media have experienced a 35 per cent increase in relevance due to the pandemic and are being used even more intensively — especially digitally. This is proven by the dfv study "Relevance and Credibility: Business Media in Times of Corona", which surveyed readers of dfv media from a broad mix of industries.
Business Services
In order for a large business media company to function and for our editorial staff, for example, to be able to concentrate on their actual tasks, a lot goes on behind the scenes, for example in the areas of finance, controlling, legal, logistics and production. The latter includes our graphics studio, where infographics are created, banners designed, and booklets typeset. The Human Resources Department takes care of payroll, training, and recruiting, among other things. Facility and Fleet Management is also part of Business Services. In addition, there are staff units such as dfv Communications and the Transformation Office, because we place a lot of value on good, comprehensive communication and want to continuously develop as a company.
Did you know that the dfv media group is represented at twelve other locations in Germany and abroad through subsidiaries and affiliated companies?
Discover our office
Come and have a look around our office on Mainzer Landstraße in Frankfurt am Main! That's where the dfv media group has its headquarters.